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Hot Flow

這是一種在高溫環境下練習的一連串瑜珈動作,老師由淺入深慢慢帶領學員做不同式子,節奏比Basic Hot 快。

Hot Flow integrates a series of exercises especially designed for the hot yoga environment. Guiding with a pace slightly faster than Basic Hot, the instructor leads students through a variety of poses while following a gradual progression in difficulty from basic to challenging.

Yoga fit


This is a combination of dynamic and static ASANAS (poses) focusing on balance. This course can relax taut muscles and improve body curves.



This course teaches you how to use core muscles and proper breathing techniques, as well as incorporates abdominal exercises to help improve constipation.

Relaxation Yoga


This course improves physical flexibility through simple postures and breathing exercises, and provides relief from health issues such as migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, etc.



Bringing a slower-paced yoga style with less effort, this program utilizes deep stretching techniques, which give your muscles sufficient recovery time, and are effective in providing relief from insomnia, while reducing nervousness and anxiety.

Cross Training (Only available for personal class)


Effectively activate and strengthen your main muscles groups (chest, back, shoulders, abdomen, arms, legs) through exercise repetition, which accelerates metabolism and is ideal for those looking to keep fit.

Basic Hot


This is traditionally an introductory yoga style in which the room temperature is set at approximately 35-42C. The elevated temperature puts your muscles and joints in a much more relaxed state than normal.  The warm yoga environment increases blood circulation, stimulates cardiovascular functioning, as well as greatly increases perspiration, thereby increasing fat burn and purging of toxins.
The simple essence of the ASANAS makes this program the perfect choice for those students who are just getting familiar with hot yoga.



一) 有氧-綜合體能鍛鍊
二) 力量-負重運動
三) 柔軟-伸展運動


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